Welcome to the signup form for the 2019 IPPE show scheduled for February 12-14, 2019 in Atlanta, Georgia. Please fill out the fields below so we may keep accurate records of the number of attendees and the needs of your business. This will help us to make sure that all of the accommodations are made ahead of time. Once submitted, this form will be sent directly to the CPN US IPPE team leaders.
Names for hotel rooms are due to IPPE no later than Monday, November 5, 2018. Please be sure to submit the names for your team no later than the Friday before, November 2, 2018. If you have additional questions, please contact Amanda Zenczak or Hannah Stikeleather.
If you have more than 10 people attending from your business, please submit the first 10 names on this form and then fill this form out again so the additional names can be added. Just be sure to list your name and business unit at the top again so they are added to the appropriate list.
Thank you!