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Plant Protein

Cargill plant protein solutions satisfy consumers' hunger for protein-enriched foods and beverages, with delicious flavor and label-friendly appeal that keeps them coming back for more.

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Functional benefits

Satisfying and nourishing, protein's functional benefits are being leveraged in virtually all major categories – from beverages to bakery.

And while plant-based proteins have served as an asset to formulators for decades, today's label-conscious consumers are increasingly embracing their label-friendly appeal.

Label-friendly, plant-based protein

Cargill plant proteins help formulators achieve consumer-pleasing taste and mouthfeel, with enhanced nutritional profiles. They also appeal to consumers seeking more label-friendly food options.


Competitive cost-in-use

Robust protein content, from 50%–80%

Compatible with vegetarian/vegan diets

Options available that are non-GM* and certified organic

In this section

Our plant-based proteins deliver consistent performance and in many cases may help reduce your costs and increase your yield.

Solution Spotlight

Almond Poppy Seed Protein Muffin
Irresistibly moist crumb texture delivers:
• 6g of protein
• 1g of fiber
• 14g of sugar

*Non-GMO – there is no worldwide definition of the term “non-GMO.” The definition of “non-GMO” varies widely from country to country. Some countries have no regulatory definition of “non-GMO,” and some countries consider a product to be “non-GMO” if it is exempt from mandatory GMO-labeling in that country. Requirements for mandatory GMO-labeling also vary widely from country to country. Various private standards groups and certifying agencies have also developed their own definitions of and standards for non-GMO.

Building a Better Plant-based Burger | Food Ingredient Solutions | Cargill

Cargill’s latest prototype serves up a mouth-watering taste of what’s next for plant-based meat alternatives, starting with a groundbreaking new approach to fats and oils.

Raising the Bar on Protein | Protein Ingredients Supplier

Innovative new plant proteins are making it possible to deliver the higher protein levels that consumers crave – together with delicious flavor profiles and greater texture flexibility.

Plant-based Revolution | What's Next

What's next? Learn how consumers are embracing the idea of plant-based eating in a big way.

Plant-based Protein for Food and Beverage

Plant-based meat alternatives are emerging as the new star of the alternative category, and as these products reach parity in taste, texture and price, they are also gaining steam in one of America’s favorite food categories – convenience.

Plant-based Innovations for Food and Beverage

As consumers embrace plant-based products, it has become a solid trend in mainstream food culture, Learn more about these fast-paced trends and how you can partner with Cargill for palette-pleasing plant-based innovation.

Flexible + Vegetarian Appeal Plant Protein Supplier

The term “flexitarian” (flexible + vegetarian) was originally coined to describe a plant-centric weight-loss plan. In recent years, the approach has gained momentum as an easy-to-follow style of eating that supports personal health and values.



Some Cargill products are only approved for use in certain geographies, end uses, and/or at certain usage levels. It is the customer's responsibility to determine, for a particular geography, that (i) the Cargill product, its use and usage levels, (ii) the customer's product and its use, and (iii) any claims made about the customer's product, all comply with applicable laws and regulations.