‘More than a grocery store’ aims to improve nutrition in North Minneapolis
December 15, 2017
Across the U.S. and around the world, many communities struggle with food insecurity and malnutrition primarily because they lack access to affordable, healthy foods. On the north side of Minneapolis, the new North Market project aims to overcome local barriers to healthy food access with an innovative twist on the traditional grocery store.
The 20,000-square-foot store, which opened its doors on Dec. 13, has been developed in collaboration with the local community in North Minneapolis with funding from numerous public and private organizations, including $500,000 from the Cargill Foundation. In addition to a wide assortment of healthy foods, North Market features an in-store dietitian and wellness programs that seek to improve nutrition outcomes for individuals, families and the larger community.
“North Market is more than a grocery store,” said Adair Mosley, president and CEO of Pillsbury United Communities, which is managing the project. “It’s a place for healthy food access. It really is a central gathering place for the diverse community of North Minneapolis residents.”
Learn more at mynorthmarket.org.