Who can I contact to discuss this payment term change further?
Please contact your buyer to raise any concerns you may have.
As a supplier invoicing Cargill, what is the most efficient way to get paid?
Cargill requires all suppliers to be paid electronically through Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT). Go to the “How to Receive Electronic Payment” section of the General tab to get instructions and obtain the correct form to complete.
Do I follow the same process for remitting invoices?
Yes, your current invoicing process and remit to address are NOT changing as a result of this initiative.
How can I determine when my company will get paid?
You can determine your payment date by adding the number of days in your payment terms to the Invoice Receipt Date, which is the date Cargill scans the invoice into our system (you will receive an email notification confirming the invoice receipt). . For example, if the Invoice Receipt Date is January 6, 2020 (the date the invoice was scanned into our system) and the payment terms specified in your contract is 60 days, the payment date for this invoice will be March 5, 2020.
What is the Invoice Receipt Date, and how is it different from the Invoice Date?
The Invoice Receipt Date is the date when Cargill Accounts Payable receives and scans the invoice into our system the invoice. The Invoice Receipt Date is not the date you prepared the invoice or the date on the invoice. Your payment terms will start from the Invoice Receipt Date.
How do I know the date of the Invoice Receipt Date?
If your invoice meets all of the invoice submission requirements (including submitting it to the correct location at the corresponding email), the Invoice Receipt Date will be the day of its arrival at Cargill Accounts Payable. If anything is missing or if you submit the invoice to the plant or some other incorrect location, the Invoice Receipt Date will be delayed and will correspondingly delay your payment.
How can I avoid delayed payments?
Be sure to follow the invoice submission instructions available on the Supplier Central site.
Where should I submit my invoice to ensure an Invoice Receipt Date is as close to the Invoice Date as possible?
Submit your invoice at the corresponding email:
If I need to re-submit an invoice, will the payment terms calculate from Receipt of Original invoice or Receipt of Revised invoice?
If you need to re-submit an invoice to correct an error or provide missing information, the date Accounts Payable receives the re-submitted invoice is new Invoice Receipt Date from which the payment date is calculated.
How does Cargill calculate the payment date if I submit an invoice to my contact at the plant?
If you submit the invoice to a contact at your plant, your invoice will be returned to you with instructions to re-submit to the corresponding email (see Submission tab of the Invoice page). The day the invoice processing team receives the invoice is the Invoice Receipt Date.
Who do I contact if my payment is more than 10 days past due or have a question regarding pending payments?
If you haven’t received your payment within the due date, please follow the instructions on the Supplier Queries tab of the Invoice page to raise a ticket via Cobranzas.com or by telephone 0810-555-2455, so that we can follow up with you. Please take note of the ticket number you receive. We appreciate your patience as we follow up on your inquiry.
How does my company benefit from this change?
Because payments will be paid according to a consistent process, it will enable a more predictable cash flow for our suppliers.
What if I have questions about how the Invoice Receipt Date was determined for an invoice or how the payment date was calculated?
Contact our team. via Cobranzas.com or by telephone 0810-555-2455.
Why is Cargill using the Invoice Receipt Date for determining my payment due date?
Using the Invoice Receipt Date when calculating the payment due date has always been standard language in our contracts. Our systems and processes are now aligned with this language to use the Invoice Receipt Date field in the determining the payment due date.