Continued Mine Development
Since 2008, Cargill has been exploring means to provide additional fresh air to the mine and new emergency egress for the miners. To date, Cargill has held public meetings with the community, discussed the concept with the DEC and the Town of Lansing, drilled a test hole in the target area to better understand the geology, and completed high level engineering to better understand the potential scope of the project.
As further research and engineering has been completed, Cargill has identified a few alternatives that may allow the Cayuga Mine to safely, productively, and cost effectively ensure long-term production without a new airshaft. These alternatives are being explored, as well as further engineering to better define the scope and impacts of continued mine development.
Cargill completes stratigraphic test hole
In September 2013 Cargill completed test hole drilling on its property and has completed closure on the hole in accordance with New York State Department of Conservation regulations. Preliminary analysis of the data indicates the geology of the area is consistent with the geology of the current mine area.
What is a stratigraphic test hole?
A stratigraphic test hole is a boring installed to determine the nature and properties of the soil and bedrock stratigraphy.