Take a journey reminiscent of everything candy and chocolate
February 08, 2016
Picture yourself in 1894. The London Tower Bridge opens, the first Sunday color comics section publishes in the New York World, Norwegian speed skater Oskar Fredriksen sets a world record of 500 meters in 47.8 seconds…and, to the delight of all with a sweet tooth, H.O. Wilbur and Sons develops a technique for depositing specially blended chocolates into a mould that resembles a flower bud. And thus, the beloved bite-sized chocolates, Wilbur Buds®, are born!
If you’re a history buff who loves candy, you won’t want to miss the Candy Americana Museum and Candy Store in the charming U.S. town of Lititz, Pennsylvania, where you can find a large selection of Wilbur items, chocolate specialties, and many other confections.
Not only can you purchase something mouth-watering for Valentine’s Day or any other occasion, you can stroll the museum and see thousands of interesting pieces of chocolate memorabilia. Created in 1972, the museum displays a wonderful collection of items gathered by Penny Buzzard, wife of former Wilbur Chocolate president John Buzzard. You’ll find early candy machinery, marble slabs, starch trays, copper kettles, hand-painted antique porcelain chocolate pots, and much more.
And if you can’t make it to Pennsylvania right now, you can take a peek in the store with this short video, and order your goodies online!