The development of high quality foods to contribute toward food health, well-being, convenience, practicality and pleasure is a continuous process of improvement and creativeness.
The starches from Cargill have been developed to meet the needs of the most modern food processes. Their functional benefits contribute toward the overall quality of foods and beverages.
Starch is the main source of energy stored in cereal grains. The amount of starch contained in grains varies, generally between 60% and 75% of the grain's weight, and supplies 70% to 80% of the calories consumed by populations worldwide. Its origin in nature is as grains that are insoluble in water, and is available as industrial raw material in unlimited quantities.
The starches most used in food industry are extracted from cereals (corn, wheat and rice) or roots and tubers (cassava and potato).
In addition to the nutritional value, starches are used to change the properties of many other foods. They are used as gelling and thickening agents, and also in adherence, retention of humidity, stabilization and texturization, among other applications.
The physical characteristics and composition of starch make it a unique food in nature, distinguishing it from all other carbohydrates.
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