Cargill statement on supporting relief efforts in response to Midwest flooding
March 21, 2019
Many of our employees have been impacted by the floods in communities across Iowa and Nebraska, including some who have lost possessions and homes. Their safety and wellbeing are our top priority, and we are working directly with local community organizations and Cargill Cares Councils to provide them immediate support.
We are acting quickly to help not only our employees, but also our customers, partners and the broader communities impacted by the devastating floods. As an immediate first step, Cargill has made a $100,000 grant to the Red Cross-Midwest Flooding Relief Efforts and the Food Bank for the Heartland, a Feeding America affiliate. We are also offering a matching grant program to build on donations from Cargill employees and the Cargill businesses that operate in the region.
At Cargill, we are also committed to the long-term response in the region. We will continue providing support for Cargill employees, our farmer and ranch customers and the local communities as they work to recover from the flood over the coming months.