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Recycling program prevents the pollution of 50 billion liters of water 

A Cargill oil recycling program in Brazil recently celebrated surpassing the 2 million liter mark, which stopped the pollution of an estimated 50 billion liters of water.

Brazil Recycling Program The result comes from the Ação Renove o Meio Ambiente (Renewable Environment Action), a program maintained through Cargill’s Liza brand, which offers consumers a practical and sustainable option to correctly dispose of residual vegetable oil.

Created in 2010, the Ação Renove o Meio Ambiente is one of the largest reverse logistics programs for oil and vegetable waste in Brazil. The program articulates partnerships with supermarket chains, companies, NGOs and schools for the implementation of waste oil collection points and environmental education. Currently, there are 770 collection points across eight Brazilian states: São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Minas Gerais, Goiás, Santa Catarina, Paraná, Rio Grande do Sul and Mato Grosso do Sul.

One of the greatest benefits of the program is avoiding pollution of rivers and springs caused by incorrect waste disposal. Correct disposal of the waste includes transforming it into raw material for the production of new products, such as biodiesel fuel.