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Racing to your
bakery's best score!

Nutriscore Seeking out the best of both worlds

Today’s consumers want the best of both worlds – indulgence and better nutrition.  

New consumer research shows that nutritional information is in the top 3 purchase criteria for cakes & patisserie:

  1. Price (75%)
  2. Flavor (69%)
  3. Nutritional information (67%)

Aside from this, 74% of bakery consumers say they check the nutritional labeling “sometimes” or “most of the time.”*

In line with this trend, Cargill’s Sweet Delight research** reveals that even though indulgence remains the key purchase trigger, consumers are also looking for:  

  • Tasty products with a healthier profile.  
  • An energy boost without the sugar crash.  
  • Portion control. 

*FMCG Gurus Bakery Trend report 2023 
**Cargill’s proprietary research Sweet Delight – Decoding Consumer Decisions, 2022

Prepare yourself for the nutritional improvement race

Nutritional improvement is a key opportunity space for the bakery category. That’s why Cargill is committed to improving the nutritional profile of your cake applications through reformulation. Whether you’re looking to showcase that on a nutritional label (e.g. Nutri-Score or traffic light label), or undergoing a silent reformulation strategy, we’ll help you succeed! 

As a one-stop-shop bakery partner with a comprehensive toolbox of holistic solutions, we have everything you need to reformulate: from the right oils & fats, to sweeteners for sugar reduction, protein & fiber for enrichment, texturizers for the right texture balance, cocoa & chocolate for the indulgent color and taste, and more. Our unparalleled portfolio of ingredients is further boosted by our deep technical and applications expertise. This combination enables you to achieve the best of both worlds: a nutritionally improved recipe with an indulgent experience.  

In short, we can help you improve your Nutri-Score every step of the way.  

How we succeeded in creating Nutri-Score improved brownies

BakerySusen Gottwald, R&D Bakery Category Leader 
Our applications experts were able to achieve what once seemed impossible through their dedicated reformulation work. We succeeded in developing three delicious brownie prototypes with an improved Nutri-Score C, B and even A through our ingredients solutions and expertise. Susen Gottwald explains how we got there.

Read more

Inside the Nutri-Score system

The Nutri-Score label was first introduced in France in 2017 to provide information on the nutritional value of food & beverage products (including bakery) by attributing a score to them. The aim of the system was to help the consumer adapt his/her diet and draw attention to the fact that products with a rating “E” should only be consumed occasionally.  

The Nutri-Score system has been gaining significance across Europe ever since as a high-profile front-of-pack labeling system.   

The Nutri-Score rating of a general food product is calculated by taking the Negative Nutritional Components (N) content of a product and subtracting the Positive Nutritional Components (P) content. The lower the score, the better the rating of the product e.g. A (Min. to 0) and E (19 to Max.).   

At the end of 2023, the Nutri-Score algorithm was adapted to implement the latest scientific findings and adopt a stricter approach for better discrimination between products, including within the bakery category. 

Ready to explore the possibilities for nutritional improvement? 

Reach out to us today:

Schedule your tasting session

Any other questions about nutritional improvement in sweet bakery? Contact us here