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Flavor emulsions
for beverages

Create beverages bursting with flavor and functionality using Cargill’s starches.

Flavor emulsions are broadly used in the beverage industry for the stable suspension of oil-soluble flavorings such as essential oils (e.g. lemon, juniper, coloring and vitamins). Typical emulsifiers used to create a stable beverage emulsion include (n-OSA) food starches. Today’s consumer trends and supply chain challenges are presenting new opportunities for beverage manufacturers using n-OSA starches.  

By using n-OSA starches, manufacturers can create stable emulsions that remain consistent and don’t separate over time. This is particularly useful in drinks such as carbonates, juices, and no- and low-alcohol beverages, to ensure a uniform texture. 

In Beverages, Cargill offers a range of n-OSA starches as flavor carriers to help our customers develop great tasting and shelf-stable beverages.

Cargill’s n-OSA starches are suitable for two broad beverage application areas: 

opaque beverages   transparent beverages

Opaque beverages

Deliver a rich, juice-like appearance with robust flavor.


Transparent beverages

Offer a clear, refreshing look with delightful taste.


The Cargill advantage in flavor emulsions for exceptional beverages

Cargill’s modified starches offer a beverage boosting solution

With manufacturing facilities in both the US and Europe, Cargill offers a tailored, reliable supply of high-quality modified starches made from locally sourced, non-GM waxy corn. In this way, we can help customers deliver great-tasting and shelf-stable beverages that stand out in the market. 

Harnessing our broad solutions portfolio and enhanced expertise, Cargill’s modified starches, developed with specialized starch modification technology and readily available raw materials, provide a cost-effective alternative to typical emulsifiers. This allows customers to efficiently manage formulation costs while delivering high-quality, stable, and consumer-appealing beverages.

  • Secure reliable supply: Derived from globally sourced raw materials, ensuring consistent and continuous availability. 
  • Superior emulsification: Excellent emulsifying capacity and process stability, maintaining emulsion integrity throughout processing. 
  • Quality end products: Taste-neutral, to allow the full flavor of the final beverage to shine. Ensures stable formulations for high consumer satisfaction. Offers reliable, consistent quality. 
  • Cost efficiency: Enhances production efficiency and reduces formulation costs compared to typical emulsifiers.  
  • Innovative solutions: Eliminates the need for alcohol washing of flavors with our patented process. 

The Beverages expert perspective on flavor emulsions

We spoke to several of our experts on today’s trends and why flavor emulsification with Cargill’s starches will deliver tomorrow’s winning beverages.


Cargill, your partner for co-creating growth in Beverages

Leverage our passionate beverages experts with deep ingredient, application, and category knowledge. We’re here to support you by developing and testing fully integrated solutions that deliver consumer-pleasing beverages.