Owner Operators
Top Owner Operators earn over $350,000 per year with Cargill
[email protected] / phone 1 316-462-7220
Contact us: emailSeeking a rewarding owner operator lease?
Consider partnering with a transportation-services leader: Cargill Meat Logistics Solutions (CMLS).
When leasing on with CMLS, you will be working for the shipper, Cargill. We have our own freight and no forced dispatch which lets you maintain your independence and flexibility. You’ll benefit from freedom of operation – from choosing loads you haul to selecting regional or over-the-road runs – all for a stable, profitable company committed to your success. During and between loads, highly trained and attentive CMLS staff members will be accessible to you. So you’re not alone when you partner with CMLS. Join our network of successful owner-operators who share our commitment to safety, service and on-time freight delivery.
Benefits of working with Cargill Meat Logistics Solutions
We’ll reward you well for your valuable contributions. For starters, CMLS owner-operators are paid 72 percent of gross linehaul revenue pulling Cargill refrigerated trailers and 85 percent of gross linehaul revenue when you pull your own trailers. Top Owner Operators with Cargill earn over $350,000 per year! In addition to competitive earning potential, you’ll also receive:
* CMLS owner-operators must be 23 years of age and have a Class A CDL with at least two years of recent over-the-road experience, and a safe driving record.