Arachidonic acid (ARA), when used in conjunction with Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), represents a nutrient combination that is important for infant development. ARA is an omega-6 polyunsaturated fatty acid [C20:4 (n-6)], naturally present in mother’s milk. Since infants do not yet have the ability to convert dietary fatty acids into ARA & DHA, mother’s milk is their only natural source of these long chain PUFAs. To make these important nutrients available to infants who are not breast fed, they are widely added to infant formula products.
While DHA is a mandatory nutrient by European legislation, ARA is not (EC 2016/126). However, when DHA is added to formula, it is strongly recommended by nutritional scientists and CODEX Alimentarius standards (governed by the WHO) that ARA is added in at least the same concentration.
Meets strict quality and food safety requirements
Cargill offers high quality Arachidonic acid (ARA) oil and has been serving the worldwide market for infant formula for several years. Our products and processes are designed to meet the stringent quality and food safety requirements of the international infant formula market. Our global presence and distribution strength has been tested and proven over the years.
Approved & registered all over the world
Cargill ARA oil is eligible for use as an ingredient in infant formula in many different markets, as governed by their local authorities. It’s been approved by the FDA for use in the US market since 2011.
For European markets, Cargill ARA oil complies with the specifications of the “Arachidonic acid-rich oil from the fungus Mortierella alpina” as reported in the European Union List of novel food. Our ARA product is also registered and approved in Brazil, as well as in many Asian countries.**
These registrations and approvals are supported by a thorough analytical and process review including toxicological studies published in Food and Chemical Toxicology and in Toxicology Letters.*
* 1. Food and Chemical Toxicology. 47(10): 2407-2418. 2009. / 2. Toxicology Letters, 189S: S235-S236. 2009.
** For more information on the approval status in a different market to those mentioned, please reach out to your Cargill contact.
Related Links
Explore Cargill's Early Life Nutrition offerings and beyond
- Algae-based DHA
- Arachidonic acid (ARA)
All life stages
- Specialized Nutrition
Note: Cargill supports and acknowledges that breastfeeding is the safest, best and most adequate natural nutrition for infants. If breastfeeding is not possible, infant formula is there to provide a suitable alternative, after consulting with your healthcare provider”.