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Infant Oils and Lipids

The InfaNutra® range: Infant grade oils
for early life nutrition products.

Because trust is the first ingredient in infant nutrition

Cargill has invested in extensive research and development programs to source the highest quality oils and enable the mitigation of contaminants from oils that are intended for use in early life nutrition products. Our infant-grade oil solutions ensure a maximum-security approach on contaminants in refined oils and fats, supported by Cargill’s extensive research and development expertise.

We deliver infant-grade oil(s) (blends) with unique and consistent low levels of contaminants. In this way, we are at least 50% below the current legal requirements of those legislated components ensuring:

  • No reputational damage related to these unwanted components.
  • Access to our R&D teams and specialists who are on hand to provide expert advice and guidance on contaminant management.

Cargill is our customer’s partner across early life nutrition by:

  • Offering the highest level of security for the agreed specification.
  • Having a developed sourcing and contaminant management system.
  • Improving analytics to be able to understand lowest possible values.


Introducing the InfaNutra® range

Cargill’s InfaNutra® infant grade oils, blends and associated services have been specially designed to ensure development and delivery of oil compositions to best fit infant formula producers’ requirements. The products are tailor-made based on desired fatty acid composition, botanical preferences, and supply chain needs.

Infant food safety and quality control is deeply embedded in all aspects of our infant oils supply chain system, which has a global reach. When working with InfaNutra® oils, customers also receive Cargill’s expert services to help them navigate commodity markets, risk management, raw material sourcing, nutritional, application, and regulatory developments. In this way, our customers can fully benefit from Cargill’s expertise to help achieve their business goals.

Our track record in continuous investment in improving and fine-tuning our products and services is based on years of experience across multiple geographies. It reflects our commitment and ambition to further enable sustainable growth and relevance of our customers in the infant and toddler products markets. The safety and success of your brands are the most important consideration for us.


Meeting our customer’s needs

Cargill provides infant grade oil solutions and customer-specific oil blends with consistent low levels of contaminants. As a result of decades of constant progress, robust and reliable processes, our infant-grade oil solutions support our customers in:

  • Providing a fatty acid composition closely resembling that of human milk.*
  • Securing the highest level of food safety in infant formula.
  • Being above and beyond current legislation, while anticipating future legislation for infant formula in Europe.
  • Meeting ever stricter specifications going forward.


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Note: Cargill supports and acknowledges that breastfeeding is the safest, best and most adequate natural nutrition for infants. If breastfeeding is not possible, infant formula is there to provide a suitable alternative, after consulting with your healthcare provider”.

Further information from the World Health Organisation: The international code of marketing of breast-milk substitutes: frequently asked questions