C☆PharmGel® starches
Maize starch was one of the earliest used excipients for pharmaceutical dosage forms. Depending on the application, maize starch acts as a diluent, disintegrating agent or binder.
We supply different grades of maize starch: regular maize starch, low moisture maize starch and white maize starch. White maize starches differ in their zeaxanthin content, resulting in improved whiteness of the starch. Depending on the application, and the relative importance of the visual appearance of the final product, either one may be chosen.
Roll-dried, pregelatinized maize starch is used as a binding agent in the granulation of active ingredients. More recent developments suggest selected pregelatinized starches are excellent bioadhesives and can be used as a matrix for slow release.
Maize Starches
These starches are suitable to be used as an Excipient (EXC).
C✩PharmGel® acts as a hydrophilic polymer that gelatinizes when heated in an aqueous environment, forming a smooth gel with excellent binding properties. C✩PharmGel® is compatible and can be mixed with most excipients and drugs.
- C☆PharmGel®
- C✩PharmGel® 03406 (regular corn based) & 03302 (white corn based) have received CDE filing in China
- Disintegrant
- Diluent
- Binder (after cooking in water)
Solid dosage formulations
- Diluent in direct compression and wet and dry granulation
- Diluent in capsule and powder formulations
- Disintegrating agent for tablet porosity, at 3-15% dosage
- Binder for wet granulation (cooked)
- Topical formulations
Pregelatinized maize starches
- C☆PharmGel®
- Binder
- Diluent
Solid dosage formulations
- Diluent/binder in direct compression and wet and dry granulation
- Diluent in capsule and powder formulations
- Slow release tablet formulations