Access to Water
Improving access to potable water in Cameroon
May 17, 2015
Access to water is essential to life. When clean, potable water is in short supply, people often face health and nutrition issues. But access to potable drinking water remains a major challenge in the cocoa-growing communities in Cameroon, and the lack of portable drinking water negatively affects the living conditions and livelihood of farmers.
In 2013, we launched our Potable Drinking Water Project to improve access to water, and reduce ill-heath and death in Cameroon. We began by drilling electric or manual boreholes in five communities, reaching 50,000 inhabitants. Which type of borehole to install depends on several criteria, such as the number of inhabitants and the communities’ capacity to manage the installation.
The project has been a success and we have installed potable drinking water access points in 17 communities. With a budget of 70 million Central African Francs, 340,000 people have already benefited from the project. By 2020, we aim to extend it to 60 communities, supporting cocoa farmer organizations in the center, south and south-west of the country.
17 communities now have access to clean drinking water.
340,000 people benefit from this project.
70 million Central African Francs invested.