Cargill response to deforestation concerns and company actions
July 11, 2019
Cargill has been working to nourish the world in a safe, responsible and sustainable way for more than 150 years. We have a strong track record of successfully addressing complex challenges and driving lasting, positive change for the entire industry. We are firmly committed to using that expertise and leveraging constructive partnerships to end deforestation and protect human rights.
Time-bound action plans articulate how we will deliver this zero-deforestation commitment in our cocoa, palm and soy supply chains. Working with global NGOs and local organizations, we are steadfast in achieving our shared, long-term goals to nourish both people and the planet.
We remain committed to conducting business in a responsible manner and to supporting the communities where we live and work. From our strengthened human rights commitment to training 1.2 million farmers last year to supporting the communities where we live and work including almost $60 million in total charitable contributions in 2018 across 54 countries, we live our purpose every day.