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Mastering sweet success

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Nearly two-thirds of consumers claim to be avoiding sugar, with many also seeking more label-friendly alternatives.* Discover in our on-trend webinar how Cargill’s full toolbox of solutions, expertise and newest innovations can help you (re)formulate for sweet success without compromising on taste and texture.

Learn more about evolving consumer attitudes towards sugars and their alternatives, and how the food & beverage market is responding to such dynamics:

  • Uncover consumers’ shifting outlook surrounding sugars, in order to better understand their desires.
  • Gain key insights into the industry’s sugar reduction response, and understand how reformulation challenges can be overcome.
  • Discover how Cargill’s sweetest innovations can help you create delicious, sugar-reduced products.

*Cargill proprietary research results, November 2022 (N = 3,081, UK, DE, FR)

Missed our webinar? Watch here our expert webinar from September 19, for a deep dive into the consumer mindset centered around balance and sugar reduction!

Meet the speakers:

profile picture robin wyers sweetsuccess webinar speaker       Robin Wyers
Marketing Communications Manager, Cargill
profile picture amber herman sweetsuccess webinar   Amber Herman
Sweetness Marketing Specialist, Cargill
profile picture manuj webinar sweetsuccess   Manuj Khanna
Product Line Manager, Cargill
profile picture philippe chouvy webinar sweetsuccess speaker   Philippe Chouvy
Business Development Manager Sweetness, Cargill


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At Cargill, we offer the broadest range of food energy options on the market.


Some Cargill products are only approved for use in certain geographies, end uses, and/or at certain usage levels. It is the customer's responsibility to determine, for a particular geography, that (i) the Cargill product, its use and usage levels, (ii) the customer's product and its use, and (iii) any claims made about the customer's product, all comply with applicable laws and regulations.