Cargill's Anova® Rejuvenator provides efficient infrastructure investments, helping to improve pavement sustainability by increasing recycled content, restoring performance and reducing costs. Calculate how much you could save using Anova® Rejuvenator!
Anova Rejuvenator provides multiple benefits to a wide range of pavement types. Pavements without our Rejuvenator are likely to lead to many issues as it ages such as stiffness, brittleness, and the inability to relax stress.
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Cost Savings Calculator
Adjust the target RAP percentage and raw material prices you would like to explore for your rejuvenated mix and see how it compares to a typical mix of 20% RAP and 5% Target AC.
Interested in more details regarding savings for your mix design using the Anova® Rejuvenator? |
Benefits of using Anova® Rejuvenator:
- Incorporate more sustainable elements into your operations
- Reduce costs by using higher recycled content
- Enhance low temperature cracking resistance
- Reduce required compaction temperature by at least 40°F, even in high RAP pavements
- Successfully used in pavements with up to 100% RAP usage
- Does not negatively impact rutting resistance of rejuvenated RAP mixture
- High flash point (in excess of 240°C/460°F) compared to petroleum-based bitumen rejuvenators, allowing safer handling without changing current processes
- Low VOCs and low volatile mass loss (as measured by the Rolling Thin Film Oven)
Restore performance in a variety of pavement types and preservation applications:
- High RAP and RAS mixtures with up to 100% RAP, while reducing construction temperatures
- Rejuvenating asphalt emulsions for surface seals and cold in place recycling
- Oils and emulsified oils for hot in place recycling and surface rejuvenating applications

More About Rejuvenators and Recycled Asphalt
The Science Behind the Anova® Rejuvenator
Dig into Anova Rejuvenator and learn more about the Collodial Model by watching this 3-minute video. Discover how a rejuvenator can create better aging behavior than an original asphalt binder with custom chemistries designed to meet your needs.
Pave the Way Towards Sustainability
Anova Rejuvenator provides multiple sustainability-focused benefits to better the communities we live in and travel through. Download the Cargill Asphalt Solutions infographic to get a glimpse into how this product is impacting the way we live sustainably.
Cargill Asphalt Pavement Preservation
Backed by more than 60 years of technical expertise in bio-based chemistry, Anova® Rejuvenator makes a proven impact on asphalt pavements containing highly aged RAP and RAS binders. A partnership with Cargill provides your business an undeniable advantage. We offer you a proven record of support from our state-of-the-art applications lab.
Cargill's unique support system starts with materials evaluation, trial assistance, plant implementation and integration. Our asphalt rejuvenation support then continues through quality assurance and ongoing support, meaning you can count on us to provide the expertise and chemistries required to meet your toughest challenges.
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