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In the post-low-fat diet era, consumers’ perceptions of fats and oils in the packaged foods that they buy are changing. This consumer dynamic may shape new food product innovation and development for CPG companies of all sizes. 

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Cargill’s proprietary FATitudes™ research provides an understanding of consumer awareness, perceptions and stated behaviors around types of oils in packaged foods. It includes a year-over-year comparison of these measures as well as how different demographic groups (age, gender, region of the US and income) differ in their oil attitudes and usage.

Key themes of the research include:

  1. Monitoring of fats and oils in packaged foods and why they are doing so.
  2. Package claims and how they impact consumer purchasing behavior.
  3. Types of oils and how they impact consumer purchasing behavior.
  4. Perceptions of healthfulness for package claims and types of oils

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Our FATitudes™ infographic includes highlights from the research. If you want to learn more, contact your Cargill representative to schedule a review of the research.

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Monitoring Food Purchases

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Our extensive portfolio of edible oils, deep level of consumer insight and decades of experience with food product formulation can help you produce successful, high-quality food products that meet the needs of today’s demanding consumers.