Salt/Potassium Chloride Blends
Increase versatility by combining salt and potassium salt in your formulations.
Available in United States. Export to Mexico, Canada and other locations may be available.
Call 1-888-385-SALT (7258) for information
Potassium Salt in Food
According to the GRAS-affirmed uses of potassium chloride, it is used as a flavor enhancer, flavoring agent, nutrient supplement, pH control agent, and stabilizer or thickener. However, potassium chloride is used for two main purposes in food products. The first is to provide potassium enrichment to foods. The second is as a salt replacer to reduce the sodium content in foods. Like salt (aka sodium chloride), potassium salt provides a salty flavor and can also often play other functional roles (e.g. microbial management, protein modification, flavor enhancement) that impacts the taste, texture, and shelf life of food products. For more information on potassium chloride, please see our FAQ.
FlakeSelect® Potassium Chloride/Salt and Potassium Chloride/Sea Salt
FlakeSelect® is an innovative product line that leverages Cargill's patent-pending compacting technology. The resulting particles are low in bulk density, highly soluble, and provide superior adherence for topical applications as compared to granulated products. Potassium Salt can be compacted with either regular granulated salt, or sea salt for multiple formulation options. |
FlakeSelect® Potassium Chloride/SaltThis material is a precisely screened, compacted, food grade, odorless, white crystalline potassium salt and sodium chloride that provides 50% less sodium than regular salt. The blend can be used as a direct replacement for salt in food processing operations where sodium reduction is desired up to 50% while maintaining many of the functionalities of salt. Packaging:
FlakeSelect® Potassium Chloride/Sea Salt FineThis material is a fine screened, compacted, food grade, odorless, white crystalline potassium salt and sodium chloride that provides 50% less sodium than regular salt and enables the addition of sea salt to the ingredient line. The blend can be used as a direct replacement for salt in food processing operations where sodium reduction is desired up to 50% while maintaining many of the functionalities of salt. FlakeSelect® Potassium Chloride/Sea Salt is available for use in a variety of product applications. Packaging: