Sustainability Priorities
Developing scalable solutions that nourish the world while protecting the planet
Cargill’s purpose is to be the leader in nourishing the world in a safe, responsible and sustainable way. Our position within the global food system provides both the opportunity and the responsibility to create lasting change. We are working at the intersection of sustainability, food security and nutrition to find practical and scalable solutions.
Helping farmers thrive
Farmers are resilient entrepreneurs working in an increasingly resource-constrained world. We believe technology and innovation are essential to ensure food security for a growing global population. Helping agriculture produce more with less is critical. So is moving food from places of abundance to places of scarcity. We advocate for the right crops to be grown in the most productive places to improve food security for all. When farmers thrive, we all succeed.
Our priorities
We are focusing on areas where we believe our size and market presence can help make a significant impact: land use, climate change, water resources, farmer livelihoods, food security and nutrition.
Farmer Livelihoods
We partner with farmers to share best practices and strengthen farming communities.
Food Security
We focus on increasing productivity and market access to nourish a growing global population.
Building trust
We aim to be the most trusted source of sustainable products and services for our customers. To earn that trust, we are working to deliver economic, social and environmental benefits across our value chains. We believe the private sector has an important role to play in finding solutions to the world’s most pressing challenges. But we can’t do it alone. That’s why we partner with farmers, government, industry groups, customers and consumers to make the future of food more sustainable.
Working with farmers around the world to create a more sustainable, food-secure future
Cargill is working in countries around the world to improve farmer livelihoods
Progressing from palm oil traceability to a more sustainable future
Cargill recaps its accomplishments from 2015 in regards to progress towards 100% traceability in palm and outlines its sustainable palm implementation plan for 2016.