Wind Power Generation
Lighter and more compact transformer for wind turbines need FR3™ dielectric fluid.
As the total global cumulative capacity for wind power installations steadily increases, wind turbine sizes grow more powerful and demanding.
The unique properties of bio-based FR3 dielectric fluid make it ideal for wind turbine and wind farm substation transformers, and provides not only superior performance, but cost efficiencies and environmental benefits as compared to mineral oil.
Superior Fire Safety
FR3 fluid is a “less flammable,” “high-fire-point", “fire-resistant,” K-class transformer insulation liquid. It is also classified as “non-propagating”; it is self-extinguishing and will not continuously burn if ignited. For wind power generation transformers, this can mean significant cost savings, since equipment-damaging or equipment-destroying fires are incredibly unlikely and fire mitigation systems are minimal. In fact, in 25+ years of in-field use, there have been zero reported pool fires in transformers filled with FR3 fluid.
Compact & High-Performing
Transformers designed to use FR3 fluid are more compact and lighter than other transformer types—critical considerations for wind turbines. In addition, FR3 fluid’s physical properties mean that a transformer with thermally upgraded Kraft (TUK) paper and FR3 fluid can be classified as thermal class of 140 and run with a 130°C hot spot without losing dielectric strength or accelerating the aging of insulation paper. Such smaller and lighter transformers can easily handle high loads over the entire life, providing a benefit to the bottom line.
Low Maintenance Large wind farms, on-and offshore are difficult and expensive to access. Using FR3 fluid can mean minimal transformer maintenance and associated costs.
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