#1 Hybrid alternative to yogurt
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The consumer
John wants to balance his animal-based vs. plant-based intake but is unwilling to compromise on taste & texture.
The market
Almost 20% of European dairy consumers indicate that they want to reduce their dairy intake levels.* This market dynamic is leading to the rise of alternatives to dairy. These products often blend animal- and plant-based ingredients, trying to achieve the best of both worlds. Hybrid products appeal to consumers who want to boost their plant-based intake, while reducing their consumption of animal-based products.
The prototype
This alternative to yogurt with smooth, creamy and spoonable texture contains 60% cow’s milk and 40% vegetable protein. Delivering on the dairy experience; a great balance of nutritional profile, texture, and taste, where the ferments are kept alive.
The concept, which contains Puris™ Pea protein** and Trilisse® texturizer system achieves a “source of protein” claim. The functionality of the dairy protein is partially replaced by pea protein.
The key solutions
PURIS™ Pea protein
A plant-based high protein content isolate, derived from pea:
- Great solubility to help prevent sandy/undesirable mouthfeel.
- Its' gelling and binding properties make it ideal as a dairy replacement.
- Great emulsification and whipping properties.
- Smooth, creamy, and spoonable texture.
- Mild flavor versus other pea proteins.
- Great water holding capacity helps to avoid staling during shelf-life.
Trilisse® functional texturizer blend
A label-friendly blend of SimPure® corn starch and UniPECTINE® pectin. Helps to structure and stabilize the yogurt.
- Compensates for the loss of functionality of dairy proteins in terms of mouthfeel and texture.
- Supports a shiny product appearance and limits syneresis over shelf-life.
*Innova Market Insights category survey, 2024
**PURIS™ Pea is a licensed trademark of PURIS Proteins