Consumer Research Uncovers Strong Affinity for Kosher Salt
Cargill, a trusted kosher salt supplier, leverages new data to help customers better position their products to consumers seeking high-quality and healthful foods.
In a recent consumer ingredient perception study conducted by Cargill, kosher salt’s prominent positive perceptions were uncovered. The study analyzed the correlation between health perceptions and purchase impact by surveying nearly 13,000 consumers who do at least half of their household’s grocery shopping. This regular ingredient review illustrated the strong, and often, growing affinity consumers feel for kosher salt. (1)
98% on consumers believe it’s important for them to consider the ingredients in the food products they buy. (2) This metric, which is higher than ever before, presents a significant opportunity for food manufacturers to focus in on their ingredient declaration. By understanding which ingredients are viewed favorably, food processors can make impactful changes to their products that will positively influence likelihood of purchase. (1, 2)
When asking consumers about their salt preferences, perhaps our greatest discovery was that consumers pay attention to what kinds of salts are used in their food products. For instance, if a food product lists “kosher salt” on their ingredients label, rather than simply listing “salt,” the majority of consumers will believe it is healthier, will perceive it more positively, and will be much more inclined to buy it. Specifically, a NET* of 31% of consumers believe kosher salt is “good for you,” and 21% will be more likely to purchase a food product if kosher salt is listed. (1)
Not surprisingly, food producers are acknowledging the market potential of using kosher ingredients and adding kosher certifications to their products. In 2014, 41% of packaged foods in the United States had a kosher claim, and from 2014 to 2015, a surge took place of products launched with kosher claims by 24%. Ever since, the kosher food market has been growing at an annual rate of 15%. (3, 4)
According to one study, the majority of consumers seek out kosher products for superior food quality, general healthfulness, food safety, and animal welfare. (4) These positive perceptions of kosher products help explain why kosher salt is viewed so positively in the eyes of consumers. Beyond just perception, some kosher salts have functional benefits, as well, that can bolster your food product’s premium standing even further.
Food producers have the chance to appeal to this audience by advancing their products’ quality and healthfulness. Cargill’s Alberger® Brand Flake Salts provide the opportunity to do just that. These high-purity, food grade, natural crystalline flake salts are manufactured under stringent process control procedures by Cargill’s exclusive Alberger process. The unique, hollow pyramid shape, increased surface area, and low bulk density combine to offer a measurable advantage in terms of blendability, adherence, solubility, and sensory benefits. Alberger® Flake Salts can also provide 53% lower sodium per volume compared to standard granulated salts, making it a simple sodium reduction solution. Alberger® Flake Salts are available in a wide range of grades and granule sizes, a variety of anti-caking or flow-agents, or additive free options, so Cargill partners with its customers to ensure they will find the best solution to meet their functional needs and align with their consumers’ desires.
*On a 5-Point Scale, positive scores (top-2-box) minus negative scores (bottom-2-box).
- Cargill Proprietary Research
- Labeling & Transparency Webcast by SNAC International,
- Innova Market Insights. Taste the future. Anuga trend zone—kosher products. Cologne, Germany. 2017.
- Mintel (2009). 3 in 5 Kosher food buyers purchase for food quality not religion.
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