Potassium Chloride - A Healthful Salt Substitute
Consumers want to know - is potassium chloride good for you or bad for you?
Potassium chloride is a healthful salt substitute that can be used by food companies that want to obtain lower levels of sodium in the processed foods they make. At a time when regulatory and consumer pressures are tipping the scale in favor of lower sodium products, it’s vital for food manufacturers to have safe, high-performing sodium reduction ingredients that they can rely on. Potassium chloride is a leading reformulation option for reducing sodium in food products by the food industry.1
Fast Facts on Potassium Chloride:
- Potassium chloride (KCl) is a potassium salt form that occurs naturally, typically extracted from ground or sea.
- When used in food manufacturing, potassium chloride can replace sodium chloride (table salt) and can help reduce sodium by up to 50% in certain applications.
- Cargill Salt’s Potassium Pro® Potassium Chloride is almost completely composed of just two minerals – potassium and chloride.
Potassium Chloride & Health:
Potassium is an essential mineral that is chemically quite similar to sodium. Potassium also serves as an important electrolyte in the body.
- According to the 2015-2020 Dietary Guidelines for Americans, the average adult (19 years and above) should be consuming about 4,700 milligrams (mg) of potassium a day—but few consume that amount. 2,3
- Potassium can help regulate blood pressure levels, assist with nerve transmission, affect cardiovascular health, bone and muscle strength, and much more.2
Chloride is another essential mineral and another one of the main electrolytes found in the body.4
- Chloride plays a pivotal role in acid-base balance, maintenance of fluids in the body along with proper kidney function and nerve transmission.4
- Chloride deficiency is not as common as potassium deficiency, but if chloride deficiency does occur, it can be fatal. 4
In general, consumers can feel confident when purchasing food products made with potassium chloride in place of sodium chloride for sodium reduction purposes that they’re choosing a safe, healthful ingredient.
- https://www.cdc.gov/salt/pdfs/sodium_role_processed.pdf
- Innova Market Insights
- https://www.verywellfit.com/why-theres-so-much-sodium-in-processed-foods-2507086
- U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, U.S. Department of Agriculture. What We Eat in America Cdc-pdf[PDF-64K]External. NHANES 2013-2014. Agricultural Research Service Website.