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C☆PulpTex® Solutions designed to bring added pulpy textures to food and beverage systems, C☆PulpTex™ can be used to improve the overall product appeal or replace costly ingredients.

Explore Culinary applications

Pulptex Ketchup

Ketchup - Replace tomato concentrate and add texture

C*PulpTex™ 12931 withstands pasteurisation while maintaining a pulpy appearance and thick texture.

Pulptex Pizza Sauce

Tomato-based Pizza topping - Replace tomato concentrate and add texture.

C*PulpTex™12931 demonstrates good bake stability in both frozen and fresh pizza, maintaining pulpiness through baking

Pulptex Pasta Sauce

Italian-style Pasta sauce - Replace tomato paste and enhance the pulpy aspect of the sauce

C*PulpTex™12931 maintains the authentic pulpiness through sterilization.

Pulptex Soup

Soup - Maintain tomato appeal through harsh processing

C*PulpTex™12931 demonstrates superior performance in sterilized soups where other pulping agents break down.


Some Cargill products are only approved for use in certain geographies, end uses, and/or at certain usage levels. It is the customer's responsibility to determine, for a particular geography, that (i) the Cargill product, its use and usage levels, (ii) the customer's product and its use, and (iii) any claims made about the customer's product, all comply with applicable laws and regulations.