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Modified starch solutions for confectionery

Native starches solutions for confectionery

Application Starch Type Features / Benefits


Modified starch solutions for confectionery - Hard and Soft Gums

C*CleanSet ®

  • Molding starches with added vegetable oil to give clean release from depositing molds

C*Set ®
  • Starches creating opaque gels, with a variety of textures depending on dosage rate and exact starch. Tailored for vegetarian or vegan solutions / application


Disclaimer: Reference to your own analysis is required for labeling / claims


Some Cargill products are only approved for use in certain geographies, end uses, and/or at certain usage levels. It is the customer's responsibility to determine, for a particular geography, that (i) the Cargill product, its use and usage levels, (ii) the customer's product and its use, and (iii) any claims made about the customer's product, all comply with applicable laws and regulations.