Oil solutions for plant-based success
Driven by a growing consumer demand for wellness, sustainability and animal welfare, the market for plant-based foods is expanding rapidly. Consumers are seeking out plant-based alternatives in all major food categories, including meat and dairy, with nutrition and sustainability playing an ever greater role in delivering to the needs of today’s new mainstream consumer group known as “flexitarians.”
Meeting the needs of flexitarians
Vegetarians and vegans may have originally kickstarted the plant-based movement, but it’s the new consumer group of flexible vegetarians (“flexitarians”) who have catapulted it into the mainstream. These consumers do not want to give up on meat altogether, but rather they want to reduce their consumption, and increase their intake of plant-based foods, for the benefit of the planet.
Plant-based success in the promising flexitarian space will only be achieved by overcoming the innovation challenge of achieving “the promise of parity,” whereby alternative proteins match animal protein in taste, texture, and price. Furthermore, considerations around label-friendliness and nutritional equivalence will need to be taken into account.
The perfect plant-based portfolio
Since vegetable oils & fats are essential in plant-based alternatives to meat and dairy, finding the optimal mix is key to enabling an optimal texture and organoleptic properties, and an improved nutritional profile.
Cargill is the perfect partner to help you succeed within this marketplace, with the portfolio and expertise to enable your success. We offer a broad portfolio including liquids, laurics, palm-based solutions, and blends & specialties that help your products stand out in terms of taste, texture, and visual appeal.
Discover more about how we are innovating in these new and evolving plant-based spaces!