Dairy Drinks
Flavored and chocolate milk drinks are a longtime favorite. Modern dairy beverages carry a positive image with consumers, particularly when they combine the nutritional benefits of milk and fruit juices or are based on soy. They are an ideal platform for further fortification with probiotics, omega 3 fatty acids, phytosterols, minerals, fibers or other bioactive components.
Given local taste preferences and cultural trends, there is no “one size - fits all” approach. Whether the challenge is in stabilizing the beverage (e.g., in cocoa particle suspension), optimizing production according to shelf life, accommodating various packages or optimizing the level of fat vs. milk solid content – we know how, and we have the right expertise and products to make it work.
North America
Europe, Middle East and Africa
Latin America
As parents and schools have learned, kids are more likely to drink their milk when it’s flavored. That’s sparked some debate about balancing nutritional value and added sugars.
Some Cargill products are only approved for use in certain geographies, end uses, and/or at certain usage levels. It is the customer's responsibility to determine, for a particular geography, that (i) the Cargill product, its use and usage levels, (ii) the customer's product and its use, and (iii) any claims made about the customer's product, all comply with applicable laws and regulations.