CG-90® Surface Saver® anticorrosive deicer
For advanced corrosion protection
Considerably less aggressive on concrete, the CG-90® Surface Saver® anticorrosive deicer provides reduced corrosion and a slightly faster, more constant melt. These characteristics help combat the cracking effects of concrete expansion and contraction that result under freezing and thawing conditions.
Compared to bulk road salt, CG90® Surface Saver® is an ASTM grade rock salt mixed with flake magnesium chloride and a patented corrosion inhibitor. This enhanced deicer provides improved deicing performance with increased protection against corrosion and concrete scaling for large concrete structures such as parking garages, ramps and buildings.
Contact us today and learn more about the benefits of the CG-90® Surface Saver® anticorrosive deicer.
Questions About Deicing. Ask Dr. Scott.

With over 20 years of research experience with deicers, Dr. Scott is ready to answer your most pressing questions about winter maintenance.
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