Questions About Deicing. Ask Dr. Scott.

With over 20 years of research experience with deicers, Dr. Scott is ready to answer your most pressing questions about winter maintenance.
Video: Questions & Answers
Video answers to your most pressing questions about deicing
Are you interested in how deicers work? Research continues about the best methods to treat winter roads when the snow starts to fly and Dr. Scott is leading the way. Click on the question links below to learn more and to view videos of Dr. Scott.
What are the safest deicers to use on concrete?
Have you ever wondered what the best deicer for concrete is? Salt damage to concrete is a common occurrence, but it is avoidable. Watch this clip to learn more about the three ways in which salt affects concrete.
How effective is pre-wetted salt?
Did you know that by pre-wetting salt you can achieve a greater rate of effectiveness at lower temperatures and change the rate at which your road salt melts the ice? To learn more about the benefits of pre-wetting, watch this clip.
How to protect equipment from deicer corrosion
It is a known fact that road salt can corrode vehicles in the winter time. So what are the best methods to remove this road salt stains from vehicles and snow removal equipment? Watch this clip to find out.
Benefits of rock salt vs solar salt
On the whole, solar salt is going to be pretty comparable to rock salt in its ice melting effectiveness. There is no particular ice melting performance advantage to solar salt over rock salt. Watch this clip to learn more.
What is eutectic temperature?
The eutectic defines the lowest temperature it is possible for a given chemical to melt ice. It sets a limit on what is physically possible. But it doesn’t necessarily guarantee that you can actually get down that far in practice. Watch this clip to learn what factors are at play that may prohibit a given chemical from reaching its eutectic point.
What accounts for the rise in use of liquid deicers?
The increasing use of liquid deicers is driven by increasing pressure to manage chemical costs and to reduce environmental impacts of deicing salt. The key to both of these is reducing overall chemical application rates. Watch this clip to learn more.
Storing liquids in certain temperature ranges
Temperature is basically a measure of the motion of molecules. Increasing the temperature increases the energy content of molecules. So the higher the temperature, the more the molecules of any substance are moving around and colliding with each other. The more we bounce molecules around, the greater the chance that we will cause them to start breaking apart. So how big a worry is this for a liquid deicer? Watch this clip to find out.
How effective is pre-wetted sand?
Sand has no ice melting capabilities on its own and is used mainly to increase friction on icy roads. When prewet with liquid calcium chloride we can expect to see some ice melting, but the amount is dependent upon the amount of calcium chloride liquid that is applied to the sand. Watch this clip for some examples of how this might work.
Additional Questions & Answers
What deicing product is safe for concrete structures?
We currently purchase two or three pallets of Cryotech NAAC 97% Anhydrous Sodium Acetate for our Parking Ramps each year. This product was chosen due to the fact that it is Non-Hazardous and safe on the concrete decking. Just wondering what product Cargill has available in 55 pound bags that's safe for concrete (Post tension) structures?
Does your brine contain any fracking wastewater?
Does your brine contain any fracking wastewater?
Can YPS be mixed with liquid MgCl?
I have a deicing customer using MgCl treated salt, he's interested in adding YSP for anti-caking. I cannot find anyone that knows anything about what the dosage rate per ton of salt? Can it be mixed with liquid MgCl?
What are the advantages of ClearLane® enhanced deicer over Magic Salt?
Have used ClearLane® enhanced deicer in the past but have switched to Magic Salt. Can you articulate the advantage of ClearLane® enhanced deicer over Magic Salt?
Which sidewalk deicer provides the best protection for concrete and landscaping?
Which sidewalk deicer provides the best protection for concrete and landscaping?
Any concerns about applying liquid deicer to new asphalt?
I have picked up a new account for liquid deicing. This is new construction, new asphalt. Any concerns about applying liquid deicer to new asphalt?
Does salt really damage fully cured concrete more than calcium chloride?
Salt is much aligned when it comes to damaging concrete, but my cement salt pens handle it very well. Does salt really damage fully cured concrete more than calcium chloride? Also, how does treated (mag with carbohydrates) salt do on walks?
What should be deicer of choice for wooden steps and decks?
What should be deicer of choice for wooden steps and decks?
Do you have recommendations for brine applications?
I am considering using an anti-icing brine as a pre-treatment for pavement, but I cannot find out info on coverage. (i.e does 1gal of 23% sodium chloride cover 1000sq./ft.?)
Do you have a product the can be used on new concrete pavement (1-2 months old) without affecting any warranty issues?
Do you have a product the can be used on new concrete pavement (1-2 months old) without affecting any warranty issues?
Can the use of solar salt cause damage to concrete?
I have some commercial accounts that is use solar salt on. Their lots are mainly concrete. If concrete is poured properly for commercial use and allowed time to cure out, can the use of solar salt cause it to spall or cause any other damage?
Does brine change after sitting for a period of time?
After mixing salt brine and storing into a 5000 gallon tank, does it change after sitting for a period of time? Such as salt settling?
We are looking for studies on MgCl vs CaCl or NaCl brines.
We are looking for studies on MgCl vs CaCl or NaCl brines. Any information, including environmental studies, would be appreciated.
What is the industry standard for salt application pounds per acre?
What is the industry standard for salt application pounds per acre?
Is there a product to add to brine to slow down "wash away" caused by light to moderate rain which often precedes snow events in western Washington?
Are there any chemicals/products that can be added to brine when pre-treating/anti-icing to slow down "wash away" caused by light to moderate rain which often precedes snow events in western Washington?
What is the best way to treat hills like we have in Duluth, MN?
What is the best way to treat hills like we have in Duluth, MN? How do you keep the treatment in place? When we have tried in the past it runs down the hill. What is the cost to do it the right way?
Is there a product to help remove salt residue on vehicles?
I am trying to preserve my spreaders and vehicles from the corrosive effects of salt. We are a company that applies salts in the snow removal process. Can you recommend products that remove the salt residue after applications and to preserve the plows for summer storage?
We are just starting to use brine, so any info on de-icing or anti-icing with brine would be appreciated.
We are just starting to use brine, so any info on de-icing or anti-icing with brine would be appreciated.
What is the gentlest deicer on dog paws?
What is the gentlest deicer on dog paws?