Feed Safety Documentation
We define feed safety as protecting animals and the people that feed them from illness or injury from handling or consuming our feed products. We strive to continuously improve feed safety.
Feed safety is an important issue for Cargill and will continue to increase in importance for the company. It is fundamental to our success. We define feed safety as protecting animals and the people that feed them - at every step in the supply chain, from production to consumption - from illness or injury from handling or consuming our feed products. We strive to continuously improve feed safety.
Our core operating principles
Leadership: Producing the safest food/feed possible is absolutely critical to the ongoing success of our business. We strive to be a reliable source of our customers; have the trust of regulators; earn the confidence of consumers; and are a catalyst to improve food/feed safety in the industries which we operate.
Transparency: Cargill works with others across the public and private sectors to address safety issues in the food/feed supply and to establish common expectations and policy principles to improve the overall supply chain.
Personal Responsibility: At Cargill, we believe all employees are responsible for contributing to the success of our food/feed safety systems. We empower them to bring forward ideas that could improve our efforts and to take action when they see a problem in our operations that may compromise food/feed safety.
Accountability: We hold ourselves accountable to fully implement our food/feed safety approach and continuously seek ways to improve the food/feed safety systems. Cargill continually monitors each of our facilities, and acts swiftly to address any food/feed safety issue within our supply chain.We are committed to continuous improvement in the area of food/feed safety through ongoing research and new food/feed technologies and interventions.
More Information
Food Safety
Cargill is involved in numerous food supply chains around the world, from farm to table. Our goal is to provide safe food and feed every time, everywhere.