A New Low-Glycemic Sweetener
Enzyme utilization case study
With the incidence of diabetes on the rise consumer food and beverage manufacturers were eager for a new sweetener option that was suitable for diabetics. What was needed to meet the needs of people with diabetes or pre-diabetes was a sweetener that would produce a lower glycemic response (rise in blood sugar level). Ideally, the new sweetener would also be all-natural, highly digestible and provide sensory attributes similar to current sweetness solutions.
To develop a low-glycemic sweetener, Cargill applied its expertise in enzyme utilization — the science of identifying and controlling enzyme activities to produce compounds of desired chemical, physical and physiological attributes. In this case, Cargill scientists hoped to find an enzyme capable of rearranging carbohydrate linkages to make them digest more slowly than traditional carbohydrates. The slower digesting compounds would produce a smaller rise in glucose and insulin levels in the blood – a benefit for people with diabetes.
A literature search led Cargill researchers to the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA). Scientists there had discovered that certain enzymes from food-grade fermentative bacteria could combine carbohydrates from cane beet and corn sugar in unusual ways to create novel and interesting complex carbohydrate mixtures. Thus began a long and productive collaboration.
USDA scientists screened for ideal enzyme-producing strains. Once an ideal strain was identified, Cargill scientists used their enzyme optimization knowledge to create the best conditions for producing the enzyme and their expertise in enzyme application to create a product of desired sensory, flow characteristics and physiological response
Food and beverage manufacturers now have access to a new natural, low-glycemic sweetener, sold as Xtend™ sucromalt, which can be used in foods for diabetics, sports drinks and specialty snacks.
As a longtime trusted advisor for sweetener expertise, Cargill is dedicated to collaborating with customers to create unique solutions by aligning our people and resources with your needs.