Apply more sustainable crop nutrition
When we're talking about regenerative agriculture and soil health, we need to consider not only the soil's nutrients, but also how to protect the crops that grow in it. Cargill agronomists in Canada are working with farmers to incorporate 4R Nutrient Stewardship principles and practices into crop protection and fertility plans. These practices have been shown to improve the quality of water, soil and air, while also contributing to the long-term profitability of the farm.
The 4Rs of Nutrient Stewardship
The Right Source
To make sure the soil has a balanced supply of essential nutrients, both the naturally available sources and the characteristics of specific products need to be considered.
The Right Rate
Soil nutrient supply and plant demand need to be known so only the amount of product needed is applied.
The Right Time
Products should only be used when crop uptake, soil supply, nutrient loss risks and field logistics all line up.
The Right Place
To limit potential losses from the field and too much or too little product being applied, apply it exactly where it's needed.