Starches, Sweeteners & Texturizers Sustainability Goals 2030
At Cargill Starches, Sweeteners & Texturizers Europe, we are committed to finding practical solutions to the world’s biggest sustainability challenges – connecting people, planet and products. By taking action in these key areas, we can nourish the world in a safe, responsible and sustainable way – meeting today’s needs and those of future generations.
Nature’s People
- Farmer livelihoods
- Employee engagement
- Community engagement
Nature’s Planet
- Climate action
- Water stewardship
- Nature positive
Nature’s Product
- Low carbon ingredients
- Plant based innovation
- Transparency & traceability through supply chains
Our work in these core areas aligns with the UN's Sustainable Development Goals, which were established in 2015 with the aim of ending poverty, addressing climate change and ensuring prosperity for all.

Sustainability Insights Report
For many years, sustainability has – at least on some level – been a consideration for most brands. Today, however, a new urgency for action is apparent, as brands find themselves simultaneously pressured by governments, NGOs, investors and consumers.
Sustainable Sourcing and Production

We work towards the creation of a more sustainable crop supply for our ingredients, including wheat.

Cargill's Red Seaweed Promise™ - leading the industry towards a thriving red seaweed sector for generations to come.

This farm-based program leverages strong partnerships between Cargill, farmers and co-op suppliers to address key sustainability challenges.