Paper & Board Making
Paper making is a complex process. Each step requires specific raw materials, equipment, and conditions, and is reliant on trained personnel. With our products and technical support we can help you to reduce complexity and improve efficiency, while preserving, and enhancing product quality.
Explore our products, service and equipment consultancy solutions
Product Solutions
We have starch solutions for all the key steps in the paper making process. Our products will help improve water retention, paper strength, optical properties, sheet smoothness and printability of your paper, while enhancing the runnability of your machine.
Service and Equipment Solutions
Our technical team provides support with plant audits, troubleshooting, pilot trials and consultancy on equipment solutions. At our lab, we perform multiple testing from starch evaluation/cooking to coating color recipes fine-tuning and paper testing, including microscopy, and physical evaluation.
The products and services described on this website may not be available in all jurisdictions or to all persons.