Service and Equipment Solutions
Given the complexity of the paper- and board-making process, our product solutions need to be combined with technical support, lab tests and equipment consultancy to ensure successful results. Starch solutions will only perform at their best when they are properly cooked (if cooking is needed), when the enzymatic or thermochemical conversion process and system is correctly applied and set up (if conversion is needed), when they are dosed in the correct place within the paper machine, and when the interactions with other paper additives have been properly evaluated, and monitored.
Explore our products, service and equipment consultancy solutions
Technical Support
Our experienced technical team will support customers in the selection of the best starch solutions based on the performance targets, cost to treat requirements, sustainability objectives and plant capabilities.
Lab Support
At our lab, we perform multiple testing, ranging from starch powder characterization to fine-tuning of corrugating glue recipes, to board testing, including microscopy, and physical evaluation.
Equipment Support
In order to fully and safely exploit the benefits of starch, proper equipment and use conditions are required. From starch storage, to transfer & handling, to glue formulation, we can advise on what is the most suitable equipment and set up for your specific needs.
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